We Are Orbis

A Division of Symplicity

Hi there!

This newsletter highlights new product features & changes to your Outcome platform - all of which were informed by our Product Advisory Committees and your Community of Practice.


  • A breakdown of new features and product updates developed in response to submitted Feature Requests in our Community of Practice
  • Our API is now released! This a follow-up on our development announcement and how you can begin accessing that functionality
  • Mass placement tools in the Experiential Program Management Module – two new ways to place students and a sneak peek at one that’s on the development horizon
  • An announcement about important work that’s happening jointly between Mindset and the Society for Experiential Education
  • The latest episodes of Mindset in Motion, introductions to our amazing guests, and insights to serve you in your roles
  • Ways to stay connected as we move quickly to advance what's next into the school year
  • What we're reading (and you should too)

The next edition of our newsletter will give you back-to-school updates complete with How-To’s, start-of-semester task reminders, and content geared toward making your transition back as smooth and successful as possible.

Mindset & Society for Experiential Education Working Together to Create a Definition of Experiential Education

We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with SEE - Society for Experiential Education! Mindset has been asked to lead a working group with the goal of creating a definition of Experiential Education for SEE. Bill Heinrich, our Director of Mindset, is serving as co-chair (with Patrick Green of Loyola University, Chicago). Working closely with SEE on this 18-month project, they hope to help put Theory into Practice, with a strong working definition for institutions, employers, and students to use.

"Our latest Outcome release includes 16 updates requested by our Campus Partners through our Community of Practice. Your insights and contributions are instrumental in shaping Outcome for the future – check out the Community requested highlights below or download the full release notes to see all the latest product changes ."
- Madeline Ilijow, Product Manager, Orbis

Access Your Outcome Summer 2023 Release Notes

APPOINTMENTS - Added the ability to set the minimum amount of time in advance required to book a same-day appointment. Admins can now set the number of hours/mins required to book before an appointment start-time to allow appointment providers to have enough time to prepare for the appointment. This can be configured in the Appointments Module Configuration -> Configure Body Rules & Limits.

-Cloning work term records can also support tag cloning.
- Status of the work term record now displays to the admin on the student sequence.
-Work term record forms display instructions before the form is created.
-Organization field added to the 'run-round' grid in Rank and Match.


-Added the ability to mass assign all available global tags in Events.
-Added Event ID to the Registrations Advanced Search in Events


- Added "Date Applied" to applications when doing an advanced search on Opportunities.
- Mass place status supports Approved, Pending, Admin Only, or Draft
-Student User Status added to record search
-Employer and Faculty evaluation forms are hidden from students when pending.

Jobs & Interviews:

- Admins can copy over the Staff Owner of a posting when reposting a job
- Saved Search Notifications only send to students when they have access to jobs. (Example: they are employed for the term)
-Added Interviewee Email to the Interviewee tab on Interviews.

What You Need to Know to Optimize Outcome's New API Functionality, Now Released

Outcome's new data API means your institution can now integrate Outcome Insights with external data analytics tools and use this connection to extract student and employer activity.

Here's what you need to know to squeeze the most value out of your new Outcome API for your campus.

There are currently three endpoints available for you to pull data from, which provide valuable insights on:

1. Employer Activity
2. Student Activity
3. Student Experiences

The API endpoints, data models, and requirements are all available in our Community of Practice. Use the learn more link below to access these resources.

Learn more here.

Scroll below for the latest Outcome development updates that will support your team to aim higher.

Mass Placing Students - New options available to quickly mass place

In the Experiential Activity Tracking module, new placement tools allow administrators to quickly and easily move more students into placements with less effort. Scroll through for more details.

Select Students - Placing options allow selecting of specific students

When mass placing, you can now target which students you want to place from a list of all un-placed students. The updated tools pull all un-placed students for each EL type available in the course.

Industry Partners - Easily look-up Industry and Community partners to link

If you want to connect multiple students to a single industry of community partners, using the place with industry partner option will allow you to look up and link that partner to all the students you select.

Creating Placements -Write placement details once

If you're creating placement records for several students where the content on the placement records will be the same, you can now fill it out once and post it to all the records you're creating. No more editing each record individually.

Tagging - Assign tags as part of the process

During placement, you can also determine what tags will be assigned to the records you're creating. For example, if you're a program that uses site supervisors and places students in a specific geographic location, assign a tag that you can search on later to mass assign site supervisors to students.

Coming Soon! - Mass placing on opportunities

Currently, in the development pipeline is a third way to mass place that we think will speed up the placement process. Mass placing against opportunities will show you un-placed students and opportunities on the same screen, allowing you to easily scroll and filter in one place. The targeted release window is December of this year.

Experiential Record Printing

A printable version of the Student Experiential Record (SER) is now available in the Outcome Platform for those institutions that have launched or are launching their SER.

For the print function to work, the printed record must be configured for your installation. To start this process, contact your Orbis contact or request through the online support center. The printable record supports institutional logos and crests that can make it uniquely yours.

This feature is a result of conversations that occurred during the Experiential Record Working Group. Thank you! :)

The Impact of Outcome Campus Connect on My Personal Growth, By: Courtney Crites, Graduate, McMaster University

Hello, readers! My name is Courtney Crites, and as a recent graduate from McMaster University, where I earned my Honours Bachelor of Commerce degree, I’m now on the cusp of such an exciting new chapter in my life. In the fall, I’ll be attending Humber College for their Public Relations Graduate Certificate program, a step forward in pursuing my passion for effective communication. Alongside my studies, I currently work as a content creator for Outcome Campus Connect, where I have had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the remarkable impact this platform has had on me. 

As I reflect on my journey being a student content creator with Outcome Campus Connect (OCC) for the last 10 months, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the invaluable experience I have gained. It’s so special for me to get to share my personal journey of growth and the impact working for OCC has had on shaping my path from a student content creator and now a well-prepared new graduate. 

Let’s dive in, shall we?: 

  • Discovering the Power of Student Voices: Outcome Campus Connect is a platform dedicated solely to the growth and development of university and college students/grads. From the moment I became a part of this small but mighty content team, I realized the significance of amplifying student voices much like my own. Being a content creator for OCC has provided such a safe space where I could freely express my thoughts, insights and experiences on a platform that valued my perspective. This not only helped me develop my unique voice but also exposed me to diverse viewpoints and inspired meaningful conversations within our OCC community. Sharing my personal opinion: Extracurricular Experience Makes You a Candidate in a League of Your Own
  • Connecting and Collaborating: Outcome Campus Connect has been so instrumental in developing my confidence in fostering connections and facilitating collaborations among my peers and industry professionals. Exploring OCC’s job board during my most recent job search provided me with such a wealth of opportunities to explore internships, part-time jobs, and even full-time post-grad positions. By expanding my ability to network through my work as a content creator (especially through connecting with individuals to inform written pieces), I’ve been able to seek guidance and build a robust professional network, which I feel so lucky to have as I begin my transition from student to graduate. A must-read externally informed piece: Student Self-Care Advice from Psychotherapist Victoria Emanuele
  • Bridging the Gap: As I wrap up my time as an undergraduate student, I feel so lucky to be an OCC content creator, mainly for the transformative impact it’s had on my personal growth. Orbis and OCC’s commitment to empowering students and graduates has nurtured my potential, honed my skills as a writer and content creator, and instilled in me the confidence to embrace new challenges. Thanks to the invaluable experiences and resources provided to me by OCC over the last 10 months (and hopefully many more to come!), I feel so well-equipped to make a meaningful contribution in my field (marketing and PR) and shape a promising future. A piece I’m proud of: How to Email Effectively in your Job Search

Final Thoughts

If you would’ve told me in August 2022 that I would be the writer I am today, I don’t know that I would’ve bought it. OCC has allowed me to grow immensely both personally and professionally and I look forward to continuing to work with them, improving every week as both a writer and content creator!

Outcome Campus Connect (OCC) is Canada’s platform built to give every university and college student at least one work-integrated learning experience by graduation. Employers nationwide are currently seeking student and graduate talent on OCC to join their teams – targeting opportunities by region, post-secondary institutions, field of study, and year of study. OCC is free for all post-secondary students and recent graduates, with funding provided by Employment and Social Development Canada.

Jade Pichette's headshot

In this episode, we're joined by Jade Pichette, Director of Programs at Pride at Work Canada, as well as a Consultant on diversity, equity, and accessibility (with over 19 years of experience) and Co-Host of the Uncovering Belonging Podcast. They join us to explore the experience of LGBTQIA+ candidates and employees and how organizations can better understand, support, and serve equity-deserving groups. Written policies are a beginning, but the universal challenge is practicing what we preach. What are your practices saying about your organization? What culture are you cultivating? Tune in.

New Guests, Insights, & Episodes: Get Your Mind in Motion & Tune Into our Latest Mindset in Motion Podcasts!

Jade Pichette headshot

“Neurodivergence” is an umbrella term originally coined by sociologist Judy Singer which recognizes the consistent ways that some brains work differently than the “neurotypical” population i.e. those whose brains function without atypical cognitive, neurological functioning, and processing styles.

People with neurodivergent brains process the world around them uniquely – think differently – and offer unique strengths and value to any team. However, being neurodivergent is not without its challenges. Supporting neurodivergent peers requires understanding what makes their brains so powerful and what systems are in place where you learn or work that currently do not recognize and empower cognitive diversity.

In our latest Mindset in Motion podcast, we discuss neurodivergence and the considerations for higher education institutions and employers, joined by guest Emily Raclaw, of Marquette University.

Recommended Reading

Neurodivergent Students Need Flexibility, Not Our Frustration, By Katie Rose Guest Pryal, The Chronicle for Higher Education, Read

Supporting the Entrepreneurial Goals of College Students With Disabilities, By Diego Mariscal, Inside Higher Ed. Read

A New Push to Assess 'Character' in Admissions, By Eric Hoover, Chronicle of Higher Education. Read

What Does it Actually Take to Build a Data-Driven Culture?, By Mai B. AloWaish and Thomas C. Redman, Harvard Business Review, Read

Shapers: Reinvent the Way You Work & Change the Future, By: Jonas Altman

The Lego Story: How a Little Toy Sparked the World's Imagination, By Jens Anderson , Read

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From theory to Practice
Ideas need to make their way from paper to implementation. Mindset in Motion helps listeners do just that

Thank you for your insights and partnership. As you enjoy the final weeks of summer, we are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to share our back-to-school support offerings, training sessions, webinars, and more development news with you this Fall - eyes on your inboxes! :)

We're here to support you.

A Future of Fulfilled Potential